June 03, 2007

A Tentative First Entry

Until recently, I blogged on LiveJournal with the username Vyoma. Having now found myself in deep disagreement with the direction in which that service appears to be headed, I'm looking for a new home.

I write about most anything that crosses my mind. While I do often lean toward both the political and scientific, I frequently record the day's mundane events and post photographs of the things I find in my environment, both natural and man-made.

I recently received a degree in biology from Florida State University and will be starting a graduate program specialized in mycology at a graduate school in New England shortly. In the next month, I will be moving from Florida to Massachussetts. I've lost counts of all the moves in my life; I've lived all over the country. Someday I might settle in one place... but I doubt it.

I'll be revealing more as I write this blog, of course. That's what it's all about.

And so, going forward...

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