That's About It: The Last Florida Entry
We had a great evening last night, starting at Aladdin's. A number of our local friends turned up, including Todabrilla, Izzy23, Kwanboa, and CaSo. We came back to the house afterward and hung out until nearly 1:00 AM, and CaSo and Brett will be back here later this morning to help load up the truck. Today's the penultimate "big day."
LL and I will pick up the truck in just a little while. By the end of the day, everything that's here will be either loaded onto that truck or carted away by the people who bought the last of our furniture. I'm not sure what we'll be sleeping on tonight, since the bed will be gone, but we'll work it out. In just a few minutes, though, I'll be shutting down and taking apart my computer. This will thus be the last entry to this blog that I write from Florida; the next will be the first I write from our new home state, Massachusetts. I don't know yet when exactly that will be, since we'll have to establish service at the new place and that may take a few days beyond when we get there.
The time has come; the five years are really over now. In twenty-four hours, we drive away and put Florida in the rear view mirror, pretty much for good. I don't expect to be back here at least until LL defends her dissertation, and maybe not even then. Who knows.
I could drone on and on here, but I won't. Moving is never easy; I'm excited about beginning the next few years and sad to leave the friends we've made here. I write this entry from a run-down little house named Hobbiton at the edge of the woods of North Florida. Two raccoons are currently sitting outside. It's already getting warm and muggy, as it always is here in late June. The road goes ever onward, and in just a little while we'll be back on it and headed away to begin the next adventure.
Goodbye, Florida. Massachusetts, here we come.