June 28, 2007

These Last Hours

Only 36 more hours until LL and I start driving north. Five years in Florida is coming to a rapid close.

We went out for dinner at the Olden Oral tonight (actually the Golden Corral, but the G and C in the sign haven't lit up in three years). Most everything is packed, and after tomorrow everything will be packed, other than the few things we've sold or given away. That's it; done and on our way to the next step.

Tycho seems to know something is up. I'm not sure how this all parses in his tiny lizard brain, but he does seem to be aware that things have changed. He's been insistent on staying close by the humans these last couple of days in particular. I woke up with him practically sleeping on my head this morning, and right now he's passed out cold on the back of a sofa cushion. He's taken to following me around as I pack; I don't know why. It's hard to figure out what a reptile is thinking most of the time, but there's something going on there.

The place looks really empty now. All packing will be finished before 8:00 tomorrow night. We pick up the truck at 8:30 AM on Saturday morning and start loading. Folks will be stopping by to take things away throughout the course of the day; I think the last of these will be HaDe. She should be here at 7:00 PM on Saturday to cart off the living room furniture.

Soon, I'll have completed a great circuit and be back just a couple of hundred miles from where my life began just over four decades ago. I feel a bit like a salmon returning to the spawning grounds.

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