August 07, 2007

Photos from Our Trip

Just a few photos from the visit with my sister's family.

My niece exploring the wonders of slime mold fruiting bodies.
The result of eating ice cream cake. She mostly wanted to eat only the blue icing...
Girl meets lizard. Tycho quickly came to enjoy Alex's company. She was very good with him and won his scaly heart by feeding him fresh-picked basil leaves until he couldn't eat anymore. As they say, the way to a dragon's heart is through his stomach.
Another trait that runs in the family; love of very old cemeteries. Here's my sister checking out some old tombstones in the Huguenot cemetery in New Paltz.
Here's a very flattering picture of LL peeking into somebody's window. If you never see another update from me, rest assured that it's because I posted this image!

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