August 13, 2007

Religious Extremists Attempt Arson at Swedish Art Exhibit

Extremists blamed for 'gay Jesus' attack

Fingers were being pointed at religious extremists on Sunday after a fight outside an exhibition that portrays Jesus as gay.

The Ecce Homo photo exhibition, by Swedish artist Elisabeth Ohlson Wallin, has been causing controversy ever since it was first unveiled a decade ago. In Jönköping on Sunday, protests against the exhibition turned violent.

A group of youngsters tried to set fire to a poster on the wall of Jönköping Kulturhuset, where the exhibition was being held. When staff tried to stop them a fight broke out...
So, if Jehovah is all-powerful, why exactly does he need a bunch of kids to stick up for his son by setting fire to things?

This is exactly the kind of thing that indicates to me where "faith" breaks down. If an omnipotent, omnibenevolent being didn't want something to happen, it wouldn't happen. If said deity allows it to happen, then it must be OK with the deity that it does. This middle ground, wherein some group of "activists" has to take matters into their own hands, even to the point of committing acts of aggression and violence, tells me that somewhere in their shriveled little minds there's a great big hole. That hole is where "faith" ends and judgment shows its fangs. It's a window into the mentality of these people who, in fact, only believe in their god of choice to the extent that their notion provides them with a justification for attacking that with which they do not agree.

Face it: any god that needs you to defend it isn't worth worshiping, and any religion that needs you to cause harm in its name is one that needs to be rejected for the con job that it is. If there were real gods, he/she/it/they could take care of him/her/it/themselves.

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