September 12, 2007

Results of the Blasphemy Experiment

I am not only alive and well, but I had an excellent day of collecting. Not only did I come up with about 10 lbs. of Laetiporus sulphureus, one of my favorite edibles, but I also stumbled onto a patch of Calocera cornea, which is an important find for some work we're doing in the lab. It's likely ancestral to all wood-decomposing fungi from what I'm told, and having specimens from which to sequence DNA is a big plus for the phylogeny work going on here at the lab.

On short... score! The only downside is that I have so many specimens left to examine and identify that I'm going to have to come back to the lab tonight after giving LL a ride home from the train station. I have no idea when I'll get to sleep tonight.

In terms of this morning's blasphemy experiment, then, I'm left not only with my H0, but another hypothesis. Maybe Jesus and Mohammed like being blasphemed!

Of course, I don't believe that my excellent luck today has anything to do with divine intervention, but I'm certainly interested in any explanations that Believers might wish to offer as to why repeating "Suck it, Jesus. Suck it, Mohammed." 100 times doesn't appear to have brought down divine wrath upon my very vulnerable head today. Feel free to comment as coherently as possible.

I do have photos, but it may be awhile before I have time to edit and post them. It's going to be a loooooong night at the lab.

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