October 07, 2007

Happy Birthday

Today is LL's birthday. She says that she "still feels 16," but I disagree. Then again, it's been a few years since I've felt one. I don't particularly care to.

We're heading into Boston to celebrate today, as well as to entertain my niece who is in town. We're going to check out the Boston Children's Museum and probably the New England Aquarium again. Once my niece winds down a bit (she's four, so her energy is tremendous), we'll go out for a nice dinner. I suspect that my sister and her family will retire earlier than LL and I, so we'll likely stay in Boston after they've headed back to their hotel for the night and perhaps have a few drinks, too. My university is on Fall Break, so I don't have to be anywhere tomorrow. I may well head into the lab during the afternoon, though. I've got an unidentified resupinate fungus and a couple of beetles from which I need to extract DNA. I think I'll do the entire ribosomal region, if not tomorrow then on Tuesday.

As for now, I think I'll go check again to see if LL feels like she's 16. Readers wishing to leave her a Happy Birthday message are encouraged to do so!

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