Where Candidates Stand: Geek the Vote 2008
Popular Mechanics has come out with a handy little guide to where presidential candidates from both parties stand on issues of interest to those who consider science, education and technology priority issues in the upcoming election.

By clicking the graphic above, you'll be taken to a page displaying a table with columns representing issues such as energy/climate, space, science/education, etc. The rows are sorted by candidate (Democrats in blue, Republicans in red, of course). A check in each box in the table shows that some information is available regarding each candidate's stand on each of the issues. If you click the check mark, you'll be taken to another page that gives a bullet point list of what the candidate's proposal is on the given issue, what they've gone on the record as having said, etc.
It's no Science Debate 2008, but it's still a handy guide if you care about these issues — and gun control. I'm not sure why that's been included, but there it is.
Personally, the info given still leaves me in a bit of a toss-up among the major Democratic candidates. I like Edwards' and Obama's positions on increasing funding for research, certainly. Of course, it's still good to keep in mind that these are politicians and whether or not they will do anything they promise is far from certain. Still, it's a little something more to hang onto when voting time comes around.