January 10, 2008

Meanwhile, in a Different Part of the State of Disenlightenment

Hey kids!

Do you like the circus?

Well, if you're going to be in Orlando, Florida in less than two weeks, you can see one! It's a three-ring circus, no less, with the ringers being Don Wildmon, Mike Huckabee and Newt Gingrich! It's the sorriest show on earth! It's the...

Rediscovering God in America Conference

with special guests

Former Speaker Newt Gingrich


Presidential Candidate Mike Huckabee

More than 500 pastors from across Florida will be there! While the event is designed for pastors, it is available to all who sign up.

Who knows, maybe some of the school board members from Taylor County will be on hand to explain how the universe was formed!

Is there anybody left who doubts that the election of Mike Huckabee would be one giant step toward government by theology? Well, if you still do, click here to reserve your space, even though it's a webcast. But you have to be registered to access it, because the American Family Association can't have just anyone watching their webcast. Besides, how are they going to add you to their mailing list otherwise?

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