May 03, 2008

Evolution in Cambridge: Free and Open Symposium at Harvard

Need something to do this Thursday? Going to be close to Cambridge, MA and itching to catch up on the latest research in plant evolution, plant-fungus interactions and global biome change? Of course you are!

The Fourth Annual Plant Biology Symposium will be held on Thursday, May 8 at Harvard. It's free and open to the public. From the website:

A wealth of new information, from whole genome sequences to inventories of the earth's biota, is rapidly transforming biology. Simultaneously, ongoing progress in resolving phylogenetic relationships among the more than 1.7 billion species in the tree of life provides the framework in which these data can be used to address long standing questions in plant biology. The 4th Annual Plant Biology Symposium at Harvard is aimed at highlighting the exciting ways in which phylogenies are being used in a wide range of studies, from global biome change to endosymbiosis.
Click the graphic below for more info:

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