June 07, 2008

Chutney Woo in Space: Jumping to Conclusions All the Way to Mars

They're baaaaaaaack.

You might remember the crack (smoking) India Daily Technology Team from February, when they announced in a largely plagiarized article that scientists had found that extraterrestrials built a distant galaxy. Now they've jumped on the latest space-related news, the recent potential discovery of water ice just below the surface of Mars. If it turns out that they have found water on Mars, that would be a very interesting discovery and would indeed increase the possibility that microbial life has existed on that planet at one time.

Then again, it wouldn't be nearly as interesting as if the following were true:

Who transported 7 million tons of earth soil to Mars?

NASA is slowly uncovering signs that soil on Mars may contain microbial life. It is just a matter of time that we get to know first extraterrestrial life forms in Mars that can survive harshest of the environments.

Scientists also estimate that close to 7 million tons of earth soil is sitting on Mars. The biggest question is who transported it? The way earth's soil is distributed in Mars makes an evolutionary biologist nick up again and again.

Who transported such massive amount of earth soil to mars?..

The answer lies in lost ancient civilizations in the earth that were many times more sophisticated than that of ours. It had an extraterrestrial origin which brought Type III level sophistication in technologies.

The first Mars rover traverses the superhighway between Earth and Mars (artist's conception)Millions of years back the extraterrestrial civilization that reigned the earth created a super highway between earth and Mars through the moon.
As earth deteriorated in living conditions, shifting of colonies took place. Eventually when conditions in Mars also deteriorated, they left to other solar systems. They left microbial life forms (their genetically manipulated so call 'life') of seed that will blossom into intelligent life one day if and when earth becomes more livable. We are the result of those genetic seeds. What we are finding in Mars is the same genetic seeds that created 'life' including us. If and when Mars become livable again, the microbial genetic seeds will eventually allow evolution of intelligent life forms.
I have to ask the same question of the India Daily Technology Team that I recently asked of Texas' Don McElroy:

First of all, scientists aren't even sure yet whether they've found so much as water ice on Mars, let alone knowing with any certainty whether liquid water was ever present there. There are some clues that there might have been; there's a decent possibility of that condition having existed long ago. There's been no strong evidence found yet that martian soil harbors microbes at present nor even at any time in the planet's history. The best we can say right now is that there are iron oxides included in some debris originating from Mars that, on earth, is normally associated with certain bacteria. To say that scientists are slowly uncovering evidence of microbes on Mars is an overstatement. It's like saying that a glacier is slowly winning the Indianapolis 500.

Still, compared to where this editorial winds up going. A Type III civilization that existed on earth millions of years ago, had access to extraterrestrial technology, built a superhighway to Mars (with an off ramp to the moon, apparently)... even if we were to discover microbes on Mars that contained DNA resembling that of terrestrial microbes, nothing about that would provide the slightest bit of evidence for any of this sort of junk. This is silliness that would make even Erich von Daniken blush. Not only have we not found anything that looks like the slightest shred of evidence that humans or extraterrestrials have visited Mars, we certainly haven't found anything that would support the contention that there was anything remotely like a civilization on earth millions of years ago.

This kind of editorial is what you get when you lose the ability to separate science from science fiction. The civilization types that the India Daily Technology Team likes to mention is loosely based on the Kardashev Scale, a rather subjective ranking of hypothetical civilizations based on what they use to provide energy for their technology. A "type III civilization" is one that is capable of using an entire galaxy as an energy source. The scale itself lacks any supprting evidence for its utility; it's purely a thought exercise.

A thinking person might ask the following question about the IDTT's wild speculations about the ancient civilization that supposedly transported millions of tons of soil containing genetically engineered microbes to Mars: If they could harness the energy of an entire galaxy, why couldn't they use that energy to fix whatever supposedly went wrong with the earth in the first place rather than dropping off a few bacteria and then high-tailing it out of the solar system? Moreover, if they could predict and/or engineer the entire evolutionary history for these bugs, from microbial to human-like intelligence, and they could travel anywhere in the galaxy, why wouldn't they have foreseen that Mars was going to become a dry, frozen ball of dust whose surface is bombarded with enough solar radiation to slice the DNA in their bugs into oligonucleotides in a matter of hours? You'd think they'd have considered the possibility, even if the geniuses at India Daily hadn't.

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