People Doing Good Things for Children in Worcester
I found this flyer tucked beneath the windshield wiper of my car when I went out for lunch today:

I'm always a little suspicious of religious groups' motivations in things like this, so I checked out the Love146 website and they seem like a legitimate, non-theistic organization that happens to work with churches among many other kinds of organizations (including the National Organization of Women). They've got a blog, too, if anyone seeing this wants to check out even more information about the group. I'm thus passing the word about Saturday's event to fellow Wormtowners who might not otherwise have seen it. LL is also going to make an announcement about this in the class she teaches at Holy Cross tomorrow night.
I'll probably go to the yard sale on Saturday. I don't have anything to donate for it, but for the same reasons I don't have stuff to give there are a few things I might well need to buy.
I hope to see some other folks from the Worcester blogosphere there. If you see me, please come over and say hello.