June 18, 2007

Anxiety Dream

I passed out for a couple of hours after packing yesterday, during which time I had a classic anxiety dream. I dreamed that I was at school and sneaked off to a bathroom to smoke a bunch of marijuana. I then waited outside the lecture hall in which my geography class was held. I talked to a woman who told me, "I can't believe we have another exam today." I had no idea there was an exam and told her so, and she replied that there were ten exams during the semester. We'd just had another exam the previous Sunday, too.

I freaked out; the class was only on Tuesdays and Thursdays, so how could the professor give an exam on a Sunday? And ten exams was excessive, too. Then I realized that I'd gotten the lecture schedule wrong and that class was being held every day, including weekends. I'd missed 3/4 of the lectures and most of the exams, and I was doomed to fail the class!

I woke up with my heart racing. It took a few minutes for my rational mind to kick back in and understand that I've already graduated and gotten an A in the class. Even after that, it was a few moments before my adrenalin level returned to normal.

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