June 17, 2007

Packing Progress

The dining room is packed, including all the murtis I own. I've disassembled the hutch, but I need to figure out the best way to pack the glass shelves. Tomorrow, I'll get all the paintings and photo prints packed away. I also need to take the car in for work. It's going to need a couple of new tires, new brakes and a tune-up. It means I probably won't have a car for a couple of days, so maybe I'd best wait until Friday to do that because I need it for Thursday night.

I'm tired out from all the packing. I think a shower and a nap are in order.

Tycho is not happy about this. He doesn't like change much. He climbed out of his cage and watched me packing. He looks very confused and at one point decided that he wasn't going to let me at my tools anymore. He sat on top of them and turned his beard black, a sure sign of dissatisfaction. He keeps wandering around the room as if he's looking for something now that I've stopped working. Somewhere in that tiny lizard brain, he knows something is going on and he doesn't approve of it at all.

On the other hand, Tycho loves to ride in the car. He likes to climb up on the dashboard and bask in the sun while we're driving. He'll like the long road trip; he just doesn't like his territory changing.

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