July 13, 2007

Technology Goes Splat Around Me

Today, I bought a reading lamp to go on my new desk. It worked for approximately an hour, then died. It chose to die while I was in the middle of discussing why I am getting only about one out of every ten emails sent to my "mycolicious" domain, the rest disappearing into the void without so much as a bounce notification.

Electrical things don't seem to like me very much; they tend to stop working with unusual frequency when exposed to me. I have no clue why this should be, but LL can readily attest to the phenomenon. I really am much better around living things. The good news is that I'll be getting my office space over at Clark on Monday morning, so I do expect to begin working with living things again shortly. The bad news is that I'll still be around lots of electronic things, and one of these days one of them is going to do the equivalent of biting me.

I suspect more and more that my own demise will be caused by something that runs on current instead of calories one of these days.

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