February 26, 2008

Something to Check Out

I think I'm going to check out this event tonight:

Greater Worcester Humanists Meeting

TOPIC: To celebrate Darwin Day we will have a special guest speaker, Abigail Hafer, professor of biology from Curry College. She'll be giving a presentation called "Unintelligent Design," which is a methodical debunking of so-called "Intelligent Design" theory. The presentation "Unintelligent Design," by Curry College Professor Abigail Hafer is "a richly entertaining evolutionist's view of the human body. Though no less beautiful or marvelous for being flawed, she argues, the human body has many faulty design features that would never have been the choice of an intelligent creator. Citing engineering flaws from the partial blockage of the eye’s retina to the vulnerable external positioning of men’s testes, Hafer illustrates her points with wit and erudition. Professor Hafer holds a B.A. in biology from Swarthmore College and a Ph.D. from Oxford University in England." - from Curry College

TIME: February 26th @ 7:00 PM

PLACE: UU Church of Worcester, 90 Holden Street, Worcester
It's not like I get enough biology during the day!

I doubt I'll hear anything new, but I hadn't even known that there was a Greater Worcester Humanists until just now. It might be worth going just to see something of what the organization is about.

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